We constantly need fosters for puppies and dogs who need a quiet home environment to recover from surgery or illness. Experience with dogs is required for fosters.
Short-term foster homes help HKDR monitor the health or assess the character of our dogs in waiting and for the dogs to adjust to home life. For this reason, foster parents need to be experienced with dogs and be able to provide extra care, attention and understanding to the fostered dogs. There will often be medication to be administered, toilet training to be done and an unknown character to be dealt with.
These rescue dogs are usually extremely loving but just need time to show their lovely selves. Many of our fosters end up keeping their charges as they see the character and personality of the dog in their care develop. It is extremely rewarding watching a timid and bewildered dog quickly respond to love and care, and become in turn a source of unconditional love and companionship.
If you would love to have a dog but cannot commit to long-term ownership, fostering is the ideal solution for you as you can have the pleasure of having a dog without the worry of possible future moves or change of circumstance.
For HKDR, each foster home means one more dog we can save. If you can help by fostering, please complete the foster questionnaire. HKDR will bear the costs of foods and medical care for dogs in foster so there are no financial outlays on the foster’s part.