Having a dog means you are now parents of a 2-year-old child! Parenting a dog can be a hugely rewarding and enjoyable experience, but it also brings responsibilities. Teaching is among your parenthood duties and training him/her with essential life skills is the best thing you can do to guarantee a happy and harmonious life with your dog!

Who said training must be stressful and boring? This course is meant to be interactive, fun and inspiring! We aim at coaching the human parents to UNDERSTAND and COMMUNICATE with their furry kids, and to MOTIVATE  them to voluntarily offer good manners and blend happily with their family and the human world. Our coaching focuses on the use of positive reinforcement and its application in daily life, which not only strengthens the partnership between dog and human, but also equips the human parents with lifetime skills to guide their furry kids even after this training course.




Course duration : 4 weeks (1.5 hours per class per week)
堂數: 4 星期 (每星期1 堂,各1.5 小時)

Venue: Whiskers N Paws (10/F, Horizon Plaza, Ap Lei Chau)
地點︰Whiskers N Paws (鴨脷洲新海怡廣場10樓)

Course fee:  HKDR Adopted Dog  $2200 │  Non-HKDR Adopted Dog $2600
費用︰救狗之家領養狗隻 $2200  │  非救狗之家領養狗隻  $2600

*All dogs must be over 16 weeks of age, fully vaccinated of DHPPiL and in good health. Each dog can be accompanied by four human family members. The second dog of the same family can enjoy a $200 reduction. 所有狗隻必須年滿16星期或以上,已完成5合1防疫注射且健康狀況良好。每隻狗狗可由最多4位家人陪同出席。同一家庭第二隻上課狗隻可獲$200 優惠。


Course Schedule 課程日期︰

2024 DEC 十二月
Date:  Dec 8, 15, 22 & 29 (Sun)
Cantonese │ 10:30am – 12:00pm │  Course Code: 202412C *FULL*

2025 JAN 一月
Date:  Jan 5, 12, 19 & 26 (Sun)
English │ 12:30pm – 2:00pm │  Course Code: 202501E

2025 FEB 二月
Date:  Feb 2, 9, 16 & 23 (Sun)
Cantonese │ 10:30am – 12:00pm │  Course Code: 202502C
English │ 12:30pm – 2:00pm │  Course Code: 202502E


* HKDR Adopted Dogs will be given priority. 救狗之家領養狗隻優先。

* Applicants of non-HKDR Adopted Dog will receive notification of seat availability after 18th of each month. 報名狀況將於每月18號後通知非救狗之家領養狗隻的申請者。


Our Dog Trainer Team 專業導師團隊

🌟 We are the ONLY training class in HK with all CPDT-KA trainers. Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA) is certified by The Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT), an internationally recognised independent certifying organisation, as a mark of high professional distinction and continuing education.
全港唯一全部導師均具備CPDT-KA資歷的狗狗訓練班。CPDT-KA 是由國際知名的專業訓犬師獨立認證機構 CCPDT頒發,標誌著訓犬師優秀的專業水平,以及有持續進修。

🌟 We all received formal education and qualification from international renowned dog trainer schools in US.
🌟 We practise Positive Reinforcement training which is science-based and humane, 100% force-free and fear-free.
🌟 Plus years of hands-on experience and heart💛