
Gold Flag Donation


To support our ongoing rescue and re-homing efforts we are now selling a very special Gold Flag featuring 6 of our HKDR long-termer dogs. As a No Kill Organisation that commits to taking care of all of our 650+ dogs for life, we very much appreciate your donations and support. Make a donation more than $300 and you will receive one set of our Gold Flag!

1.  支票 Cheque 

支票抬頭“Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)”並寄回鴨脷洲惠風街五號地下A舖 (請註明認捐金旗 )

Please make your cheque payable to ‘Hong Kong Dog Rescue’ and send it to: Shop A, G/F, 5 Wai Fung Street, Ap Lei Chau, Hong Kong ( Please indicate ” Flag Day Gold Flag Donation”)

2. 現金或銀行轉帳 Cash or Bank Transfer 

匯豐銀行戶口    HSBC Account

Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)   502-423825-001

Please email  your name, delivery address and deposit slip to flagday@hongkongdogrescue.com

3.信用卡網上捐款  Credit Card Online Donation 


You may donate by credit card by filling in the form below.

4. 轉數快 Faster Payment System 

轉數快登記電郵 FPS registered email


匯豐銀行 HSBC

Please email  your name, delivery address and deposit slip to flagday@hongkongdogrescue.com

5. 親臨我們的兩個領養中心捐款300元正以上,即可獲送贈限量版金旗一張。

You can also receive our special Gold Flag by making a donation of $300 or more at our two Adoption Centres.